Monday, October 26, 2009

I have great news! My dog had puppies this morning... well she's been in labour since 10 this morning. The last one came out at about half past 3. There was 9 of them but unfortunately the last one was a stillborn. The other 8 of them are healthy and crying my ears of. This was a really long day playing vet... on the other hand it was good exercise for next year. Being a nurse is not that easy you know. well 8 puppies later I would say a job well done (most of it done by the mommy dog though). The picture is not our puppies but they will look like that when they grow. And as soon as they start to look cute and cuddly i will post a photo. But for now they look like little rats.


Maryx said...

Woohoo!! Awesome!
'But for now they look like rats'... LMAO!!!!